Concrete Flatwork

Improving Your Biggest Investment 1 Yard at a Time
- Residential
- Commercial
- Agricultural
Locally Owned and Operated
- New Construction
- Both Stamped and Decorative
- Driveways
- Sidewalks
- Patios
- Basements and Garage Floors
- Parking Lots and Curbs
- Loading docks and Handicapped access ramps
- Room Additions
- Pool Decks
- Floors for Pole Barns and Metal Buildings

Build on Solid Ground
DID YOU KNOW that all concrete will crack and break up unless it has proper site preparation and is adequately reinforced? WHY? BECAUSE THE GROUND MOVES! The ground always contains a certain amount of water which freezes and thaws and expands and contracts. This process is called 'frost heave'.
JRE works to minimize this as much as possible in every case. First, we excavate an additional 2 inches of material, haul it away, and dispose of it – then haul in 2 inches of IDOT-approved CA6 gravel. We spread that and compact it with vibrating compactors, providing a solid base for the concrete. Second, when we pour the concrete, we install a fiber reinforcing mesh to provide extra mechanical strength in the 4000 psi concrete.
This costs a LITTLE more but it’s worth a WHOLE lot more. Many contractors don’t do this, they just pocket the extra money. It’s your money and YOUR concrete, so why settle for less?